Health, Safety and Environment
At Cenviro, we believe that safety is a value. It is neither a side note, or an option, and is certainly not just another checkmark on a job description list. Safety is an obligation that is equally shared by all of us. A key measure of our success is sending each and every employee and contractor home safely every day. This requires an unyielding commitment to safety.
We are committed to preventing avoidable workplace accidents and ill health at our places of work. Maintaining a first-class reputation and building stakeholders’ trust is more important than mere short-term financial considerations.

Emergency Response and Command Centre (ERCC)
On 13 October 2015, we launched our very own ERCC which acts as a central command and control facility that carries out the principles of emergency preparedness and emergency management. This facility is the first of its kind in Sendayan Tech Valley, Negeri Sembilan. The ERCC is a proactive way to ensure a fast response to any emergency at the WMC and the surrounding factories and communities.

Safety Policies & Programmes
- Zero Compromise (ZECO) Rules
- Cenviro HSSE Intervention Policy
- Cenviro Drugs, Alcohol, Substance Abuse Policy
- Quality, Health, Safety, Security and Environmental Policy
- HSSE Focus Recognition
Safety is a shared accountability, where we focus to ensure the reliability of our operations and business activities. Alongside robust governance mechanisms, we leverage on the leadership of top management personnel to inculcate stronger HSE discipline and mindset.
The policies set out our commitment in upholding the safety of people, assets, and the environment. Applicable wherever we operate, Cenviro HSSE Intervention Policy ensures employees in our vicinity do the right thing, every time. We engage closely and recognize the outstanding HSSE performance of Cenviro Group employees and contractors towards fostering and promoting health, safety and environmental issues in the workplace. Our ZECO rules are among the many safe systems of work in place. It helps to translate the policy into action.