Scheduled Waste to Energy

About Scheduled Waste to Energy
- Incinerate scheduled waste via a combustion chamber. The thermal energy generated during the incineration is used to power a boiler and steam turbine to generate electricity.
- Electricity generated by the turbine is exported to the national energy grid.
Our SWtE plant is the first of its kind in Malaysia, diverting energy source away from fossil fuel-based electricity to reduce GHG emissions.
- Emissions from the SWtE process comply with Malaysia’s Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations 2014
- Our SWtE plant meets both Malaysian and EU regulatory standards
About Incineration Plant
The Incineration Plant for scheduled waste is built to cater to all organic waste that requires thermal treatment to achieve maximum destruction efficiency. Scheduled organic waste, including toxic, hazardous, clinical and pathological waste in all forms, solids, sludge and liquids are treated here. A rotary kiln as the primary combustion chamber with a temperature of up to 1000°C and secondary combustion chamber operating at above 1000°C to ensure the highest possible destruction efficiency, followed by heat recovery system and finally an extensive multi-stage flue-gas treatment system.
Designed with multiple feed streams, dual combustion chambers, rapid cooling, dry and wet scrubbing systems, the plant is designed to achieve 99.99% destruction and flue-gas removal efficiency. Emissions from this plant meet all Malaysian Environmental standards. The incineration process is being monitored by Continuous Emissions Systems (GEMS) to ensure the compliance with Department of Environment, Malaysia (DOE) license condition. Fully computerised and equipped with continuous monitoring systems, the Incineration Plant represents the latest standard in rotary kiln incineration technology.

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